It is found that the dielectric curve deviate from Curie-Weiss law and the dielectric peak value decrease with the increasing of the impurities. 发现在相变点附近杂质使介电函数明显偏离居里-外斯定律,并导致介电峰值的明显下降;
For low tunneling frequency, the ferroelectric phase transition is of second-order and the system conforms to the Curie-Weiss law. 对于低隧穿频率情形,铁电相变是二级的,体系服从居里-外斯关系。进一步增加频率到一级相变区,临界指数开始偏离1,并随频率增加而增大。
The effect of Ca subsitution for Sr on the magnetic properties of Ru oxide was studied. By using Curie-Weiss law, the Weiss temperature T_P of the samples was determined. Using the ac magnetic susceptibility vs temperture, the Curie temperature T_C was determined. 研究了钙替代锶对钌氧化物磁学性质的影响,利用CurieWeiss定律确定了样品的Weiss温度TP,利用交流磁化率随温度变化的关系确定样品的Curie温度TC。
The paramagnetic Curie temperature Tp was obtained by Curie-Weiss law, and Tp decreases with x increasing. Curie-Weiss定律确定了样品的顺磁Curie温度Tp.结果表明,随x的增加,Tp减小。
As far as the two-dimensional ( 2D) quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet is concerned, its low-temperature physics is generally accepted to be determined by the spin-wave excitations upon the long-range Neel order. At high temperature, the static magnetic susceptibility shows a Curie-Weiss law. 对于二维反铁磁体,其物理在低温区大家公认是由长程奈尔序上的低能自旋波激发决定,在高温部分其磁化率是遵从于Curie-Weiss定律。